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Our Story

St. Athanasius Orthodox Church is a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).  Our bishop is His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and Ruling Bishop of the Western Rite congregations and monasteries.

We are the timeless Catholic  Church of the Apostles. You won’t find anything "new" here. No new theology... no new trendy worship. What you will find is a warm, friendly and welcoming congregation committed to following Jesus Christ and to worshiping God in spirit and in truth.

Our church is located at 228 & 230 West 15th Street in Davenport, Iowa. We have plenty of parking near the doors, and everything is on one level, so there are no stairs to climb.

We are a Western Rite Orthodox parish in the Gregorian tradition. Our Services are in English and we use Gregorian chant and the great hymns of the Church during the Divine Office (Matins and Vespers) and the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist. Our Faith, calendar, polity, practice, belief, discipline, and customs are that of the East.

We celebrate the Divine Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great - the oldest of the Orthodox Liturgies continually in use -  every Sunday at 9:00 AM, with  food and fellowship after worship. Sunday Matins are at 8:30 AM. Saturday Vespers are at 6:00 PM, and Wednesday Vespers are at 6:00 PM. Holy Day and weekday Services are as announced.

About: About Us
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